Limitless Roofing Show

Leadership Moment: Does Your Character Strengthen Or Weaken Your Leadership Influence?

• Dylan McCabe • Season 2 • Episode 33

We all know leaders with big titles and small influence. It usually comes down to one thing - character. Character is the true north of long-lasting leadership.

In this episode, Dylan unpacks the leadership compass model he learned while getting a B.S. in Organizational Leadership. He also challenges you to focus on character building more than anything else.



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Dylan McCabe:

limitless roofing Show Episode Number 33 Welcome to limitless roofing show. My name is Dylan McCabe. And in every episode, we give you a seat at the table as we talk with owners, and key executives of roofing and general contracting companies so that you can get the tips and strategies you need to remove the limits on your own leadership and in your own company. Now, in this episode, we're gonna have a leadership moment, I'm gonna start doing shorter episodes, talking about the thing I am most passionate about, which is leadership, your personal leadership, it's what I got my undergrad degree in, it's what I love reading about talking about and it's what we do is bring leaders together. And roofing CEO groups, I think there's just nothing out there more powerful and impactful than coming together with other leaders. So the question of this week is does your character does your character weaken or strengthen the leadership influence you have the effectiveness in leadership that you have, I'm going to share the leadership compass that I use. It's a framework I learned in my undergrad. And I'm going to talk about this the first area of leadership, which is character that's true north of leadership. And guys, before we get into that, I got to give a shout out to my corporate sponsor daily and black, because when insurance companies underpaid, the layer deny you need an 800 pound gorilla, white daily and black on your side, they fight to win. And they have the record to back it up. Listen to this, they've tried more cases than any of their competitors. They helped draft the Texas insurance code. And they testify in the House and the Senate on our behalf so that laws are fair and balanced, we recommend them. If you want to level the playing field against the insurance companies, you can just give them a call at 833-574-5677. Or you can go to their website daily Alright guys, now let's get into this what I hope will be a very encouraging and challenging just 10 minute episode on leadership, specifically the truenorth of your compass, which is character. All right, I got a question for you guys. Does your character strengthen or weaken your leadership effectiveness? This is Dylan McCabe with the limitless roofing CEO group and limitless roofing show podcast. And just going to share some challenging leadership insights here. It's something I'm very passionate about is bringing leaders together, leadership, training, leadership, development, and all of leadership really hinges on one thing, and that's character. You know, in my undergrad, I got an undergrad degree in leadership. And we studied the servant leadership model, which is you don't lead from the top down, you actually lead from the bottom up and you serve and empower others. And we learned a framework called the leadership compass. And the leadership compass, if you can just imagine a compass in your head with north south east and west, the true north was character in East his vision, South as your leadership skills and West as your relationships. And for an entire year, every paper I wrote every book I read, every every lecture was on leadership building out that compass. And we talked about when you bring those things together, when you bring character and vision together, you model commitment. When you bring vision and skills together, you motivate commitment. When you bring your relationships and your skills together, you're serving and empowering. And when you bring your character and your relationships together, you earn trust. Now, just think about this for a minute out of character, vision skills, and relationships. There's only one of those that determines whether or not the others are effective. I don't care what your vision is, you may be a goal setting machine you may have be a great futurist with great plans for your company, your residential company, your commercial company. And you may think I've got this great plan of how to build a team, how to structure things comp plans, all this other stuff, you know, marketing, you name it. And if your character is weak, if you're not somebody who keeps your word that you can't be trusted, if you are doing things behind the scenes that you wouldn't want people to catch you doing. Your vision will fall flat. You may be highly skilled, you may be you know, somebody who has a skill set that's unique in your company. But if your character is weak, maybe you have a vise that you can't stop giving into whether it's alcohol or something else. And you need to get help with that. That vise that character flaw will completely disrupt your ability to use those skills to be successful in business. I don't care what kind of relationship power you have. I run across guys in the industry. You know, being the host of a podcast. It's really cool because I get to know at work and connect with a lot of guys and gals, in the industry, and I meet some people who who have a lot of relationships are very well connected, but their characters awful. They have huge egos. In fact, there's one guy that I talked to about being on the podcast. And he asked me if I googled him, before we got on a call. And when I said no, he became offended. We got in a little bit of a debate about why I should or shouldn't have googled him first. And he hung up on me, it was incredible. And I got off that call. And I thought, Oh, my gosh, this this guy's ego. He's so poisoned by his ego and his need for affirmation, his need for me to stroke his ego, meet his need to be approved by an affirm my others, which by the way, I google the guy and like everybody else that just shows his social links, which Google does with everybody. But but his character flaw, his ego, his pride was so extreme, it prohibited him it completely destroyed his ability to connect with me, and I'm sure ruins his ability to have long ongoing relationships with other people. And you, you and I, we all know people like this, right? their character, you know, you're gonna forget 90% of what somebody says, but you're never gonna forget what it's like to be around them. What you remember is their character. Remember what it's like to be with them, you get a sense of whether they really care about you or not, you get a sense of whether they're arrogant or humble, you get a sense of whether they genuinely want to help you and your journey, your leadership path, your path to acquiring your job, your goals, your dreams, your the vision you have for your life. And when you get the sense that somebody's got a solid character that you can trust them, that you can really get to know them, and believe in them, and you admire them. Well, that's when you follow them. I mean, that's what all effective leadership is, in the end, it's just influence. If you want to see a leader, see someone that other people are following, and that's effective leadership. Now, there's a lot of guys in the industry with big Facebook groups with doing all kinds of amazing things in the industry who have big followings, or a large following. And a lot of these guys thankfully have solid characters, I've gotten to know quite a few of these guys and and I'm I'm just honored that I get to link arms with some of these guys or get to know them, have them on our podcast. You know, I think about guys like Ryan Groff, doing a lot of amazing things in the industry training people in sales, amazing sales training strategies with sales transformation group. He's worked with a lot of solid companies out there. He's a speaker at many of the big roofing conferences, but the best thing I like about Ryan Groff is that we had dinner after Rukh Khan, and I got to know him. And I got to know his character, not just his vision, not his skills as a public speaker as a sales guy, not his relationships, not all these other parts of his leadership compass, the thing that impressed me the most about a guy like Ryan Groff was when I sat across from him at dinner, I got to know somebody who is humble, transparent, who shared his story of how not only just he became a leader, but how he came to faith in Christ, and how that impacted his life, his relation, his most meaningful relationships, and then how he came to start sales transformation group and where that company is headed, and why. And I got to hear his heart of what he is really about serving and empowering other leaders, I got to receive his character and your character is not really something you can just expound upon, you can't give a speech and say, This is my character, this is who I am, people catch it. And usually they catch it without you saying anything about what you believe or you mentioning your values. You know, that's an issue of integrity, where what you say and what you actually do align, that's also a big part of your character. But again, that's not really something you can tell people and just have them accept and receive and take it to the bank. Your character is just transmitted like a radio station. It's a radio channel that you transmit all the time. And people want to be around people with solid character. So I just want to offer this challenge to those of you listening to this, watching this, if you're a leader in a roofing or general contracting company, whether it's commercial or residential, I want to challenge you to focus on the truenorth of your leadership compass. And that is your character. It doesn't matter how great your vision is. It doesn't matter what your skills are, it doesn't matter how great your relationships are. It all comes back to truenorth. As you lead the way, as you chart a bold course for your own leadership in your company. It all comes back to character and we all see stories in the news of some of the greatest leaders At the biggest companies and what we hear in the tabloids before their house of cards falls apart is a severe problem with their character. And that does not need to be you. You want to be known as somebody with a sterling character not perfect, but above reproach. You want to be known as somebody who other people admire. And guess what, when your character is strong, like the leadership compass, I'm going to do a lot of videos on this, and podcast episodes on this. When you bring your character and your vision together, you model commitment when you bring your vision and your skills. Together, you motivate commitment. When you bring your relationship and your skills together, you serve in a power but when you bring your character and your relationships when those two components of your leadership are strong, you earn trust. And guess what people will follow you again and again. If your character is solid, and your relationships or relationships are strong, people will follow you even after failures. They will follow you into battle again, if they trust you, and your relationships with them are strong. So let this be a challenge to you to focus on your character. If you have any questions about this, this stirs you up and you want to chat about leadership character stuff, reach out to me on Facebook, reach out to me through direct messenger I would love to talk where I can talk about this stuff all day long. And this is all we do is bring owners and leaders together and roofing CEO groups to take their leadership, their personal leadership to the next level, and so they can work smarter and go farther with their goals in their company as well. Alright guys is Dylan McCabe with the roofing CEO or the limitless CEO group and I will catch you in the next episode.